Featured Interactions and Essays

Manuel's Tavern 360 Video


This 360 video allows you to look around Manuel's Tavern while Ruth Dusseault speaks with owner Brian Maloof about the space.

Essay: Great Flying Corn-Cobs, Batman!

Great Flying Corn-Cobs, Batman! _ The Computational Loom.pdf

Ness Creighton's essay about the DeKalb Flying Corn Cob sign.

Essay: Unpacking Materiality


Student Project from Robin Wharton's Rhetoric and Composition Senior Seminar class. See the original project here.

Essay: A Man and His Horse


A creative interpretative essay by T. Joshua Ruby about the painting of a figure from the western United States.

Manuel's Tavern Virtual Environment


This immersive virtual environment allows you to move through Manuel's Tavern and interact with virtual objects.

Calvin Fluellen photo and memorial

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A story about Calvin Fluellen, the first African-American to graduate from the Grady School of Radiology.

Sherry Elizabeth Lyons-Williams memorial and last meal

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A story about Sherry Elizabeth Lyons-Williams, a Manuel's Tavern regular and Atlanta police officer who was killed in the line of duty

Luke and Charlie Memorial

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A story about Charlie Gaines and Luke Morgan, a couple who frequented Manuel's Tavern from 1956 onward.

Essay: Atlanta Falcons Pennant


This essay was written for a GSU 1010 class in Fall 2017 taught by George Greenidge.View original item metadata

Bill Bailey Memorial (and a strange morning)

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A story about Bill Bailey, a long-time employee at Manuel's Tavern and the Big Star grocery store.

Essay: Evel Knievel


This essay was written for a GSU 1010 class in Fall 2017 taught by George Greenidge.View original item metadata

0101016 Yuengling Neon Sign


"Yuengling, America's Oldest Brewery Since 1829" with neon letters and eagle standing on a beer keg. Early design of Dominator eagle.

Manuel's Fundraiser for McCracken Poston


McCracken Poston describes his 1995 campaign and fundraiser at Manuel's Tavern

Sheriff of Shadyrest


A story about a television broadcast using 3D glasses and a man known as the Sheriff of Shadyrest.

360 Tour of the Complete Bar

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Starting from a seat at the bar, navigate through this tour to experience the entirety of Manuel's Tavern via 360 degree panoramas of each room.